Effective Ways to Remove Squirrels From Your Property

Squirrel removal is a job that requires patience, skill, and understanding of the squirrels' habits. It can be difficult to remove them from your property, but in this article we'll talk about what you need to know when it comes to removing squirrels on your own.

Why do Squirrels Come Into Yards

There are many reasons squirrels come into yards, but the most common reason is that they are looking for food. Squirrels are omnivorous and will eat anything from nuts to bird eggs. They also like to raid the bird feeders hanging from trees. If you want to keep squirrels out of your yard, you need to feed them elsewhere or get rid of their food sources. You can also try to scare them off by making noise or throwing things at them.

How to Remove Squirrels

If you're having issues with squirrels on your property, there are a few things you can do to try and get them off your property. Some effective ways to remove squirrels from your property include using a trap, shooting them, or using a repellent. 

One effective way to remove squirrels from your property is to use a trap. You can buy a humane live capture trap at most hardware stores, or you can make your own by following these instructions. Hang the trap in an area where the squirrels are known to frequent, and release the animal when they step inside the trap. You may need to set the trap several times over a period of several weeks in order to catch enough squirrels to justify its purchase. 

Another effective way to remove squirrels from your property is shooting them. You can use pellet guns, rifle shots, or even shotguns, but be sure to wear safety goggles and earplugs when doing this. Most states have laws prohibiting the discharge of firearms within city limits; be sure to check with your local authorities before taking any steps toward removing squirrels from your property. 

Warning Signs of a Squirrel Infestation

Squirrels can be a nuisance on your property, and if you're experiencing problems with them, there are a few things you can do to get them off your property. Here are some warning signs of a squirrel infestation, and effective ways to deal with them: 

1. Digging in the Ground: One of the first signs of a squirrel infestation is when they start digging in the ground. This is often done in search of food or a place to nest. If you see this behavior, it's time to take action. You can try removing all the food sources from the area, or building a fence around the disturbed area to keep them out.

2. Damage to Property: Squirrels also like to chew on wires and other objects, which can lead to damage to your property. If you notice any broken wires or other damage, take action immediately. You can try covering the damaged areas with tape or zip-ties, or using a deterrent such as pepper spray.

3. Rodent-Related Diseases: Squirrels can also spread rodent-related diseases such as rabies and plague, which can be deadly if not treated properly. If you see any rodents around your property - even if

How to Avoid a New Infestation in the Future

If you have squirrels on your property, it is important to take action now to avoid a new infestation in the future. Here are some effective ways to remove squirrels from your property:

1. Set up a barrier: One of the best ways to remove squirrels from your property is by setting up a barrier. This can be anything from a fence to a layer of chicken wire. The squirrels will not be able to cross the barrier and will eventually move away.

2. Trapping and Removal: Another way to remove squirrels from your property is by trapping and removing them. This can be done by using one of several different traps, including live traps or dead-animal traps. Once the squirrel is trapped, it can be taken away and eliminated.

3. Pest Control: If trapping and removal isn't an option, then pest control may be the best option for you. Pest control companies can use various methods to eliminate the squirrels on your property, including poison bait or electronic devices that emit noise or shock waves.


Squirrels can be a nuisance and a real pain to deal with, but there are a few effective ways to remove them from your property without resorting to violence or poisons. If you follow these tips, you should be able to squirrels and raccoon removal without much trouble at all. Just make sure that you take the necessary precautions so that they don’t return later on!


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